Wednesday, 30 January 2008

View points

It seems like everyone these days wants to force their viewpoint onto other people. I started noticing this about a year ago, maybe I was just naive or something, and it didn't bother me, I thought people were just expressing their point of view.

But the other day, I had this conversation about abortion with one of my peers at the university and they seemed adamant that they want to go to a country where abortion is illegal and force the currently acceptable British society values on this country. What is wrong with that I hear you say?

Well, a lot of people seem to forget history; It wasn't until a few decades ago that women were allowed to vote in this country (the UK) and be counted as equals. And now all of a sudden, this society is a beacon for equality and morality? I'm not saying that the current accepted views aren't morally correct by the current standards, but when has it become tradition for people to force their 30+ year old tradition on people who's culture has survived thousands of years?

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