Monday 9 April 2007

Cats are lovely, yet EVIL!

Its been a while folks, my excuse? Ummm...

Anyways, onto today's subject. I love cats, dont get me wrong. I do! Ive had quite a few cats in my past time all of which have been adorable. But I can't stand them anymore!

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by cats. They are a host to Toxoplasma Gondii which is then secreted into their shit. The mice eat the shit/crap and then...all of a sudden...they start liking cats. I mean WTF! Serious brain melt...mice liking cats?

Anyways, the bacteria then gets into us and our unborn foetuses and it infects them. We dont start loving cats...but lets say it isn't pretty.

I might start a campaign against cats. Although a company has produces an allergen free cat.

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