Tuesday 12 December 2006

Game Idea!

I don't know how I didn't think of this game idea before, but it combines pretty much all of the techy stuff I've made so far. So, heres a quick summary on what it is:

  • Procedurally created planets
  • Satellites deploy characters on planet
  • Planet is split into equal countries (so a grid)
  • Players take turns to deploy characters on the grid at any unoccupied country
  • When two occupied countries join that are not of the same team a final fantasy type fight occurs
  • Winning party gets to deploy another character on the losing country
  • The currency of a block is how long you have occupied this block for.
  • Slopes give you a height advantage which leads to having a surprise attack on your enemy
  • Characters are elemental, each character has a very big weakness that another character has as a very big strength. Think water beats fire, fire beats tree...etc
The actual fight system is free flowing, time unit cost based, heres a quick summary:
  • 3 slots that are occupied with verbs. So Attack Attack Defend for example.
  • Your slots are independent of the enemy, you insert 3 verbs into the slots, then the character does the attacks in the correct order, then you rinse and repeat. Both characters go at the same time and if you attack and the other person attacks, both players get a miss; same for defensive moves.
  • Attack moves cost more than defensive moves, this is to encourage the use of defensive moves.
  • All moves have the same time frame, I am considering having very powerful moves that take up more than 1 slot...
What do you guys think of this?

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